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5 symptoms of a weak brand

I work daily with healthcare brands on strengthening their brand-business connection and alignment. Typically, the problem I see with businesses fall into one of a few categories.

Below is a list of the top 5 most common symptoms I see in my client’s businesses that can cause a weak brand, and how to diagnose them.

  1. Poor focus & weak differentiation

What makes you different? Not being significantly different within the marketplace means your service is competing on price, not on value. You want to be significantly different to a specific group of people in your market. To become what is known as ‘the only choice’ in a few peoples eyes. When you know your focus, who your customer is, and what makes you different, you have powerful leverage to connect to your ‘only choice’ customers and create a brand that is centric around their needs. 

  1. Low customer loyalty

This point tags on nicely from the last. Do you see clients coming in for a few sessions then falling out of care? Is your service a ‘get me out of pain and goodbye’ service? When you connect with the right customer, they will stay with you for life. They will become your biggest marketing advocates. They rave about your service, and they bring in other similar like minded people who will also connect with what you do. Helping you build your tribe of happy, connected humans.

  1. Poor alignment internally

Do all of your employees come to work for the same reason? Are they pumped up, inspired, and ready to serve your customer? Replicating your brand message across every touchpoint is one of the most essential elements to nail in your brand building endeavours. Everyone on your team needs to be on the same page, they all need to come to work for the same reason. Having a room of staff who all turn up to work for different reasons, builds a very confused brand. You, your associates, assistants and receptionist all need to be aligned on who the customer is, what they want, and why your business helps them. Nailing this builds a bulletproof brand experience for your customer, and accelerates your brand presence.

  1. Too many segments

Are you doing too much, for too many people? Having too many segments and trying to fulfil the needs of too many people leads to a woolly brand. You simply can’t be everything to everyone. Staying niche and specifically serving one type of customer’s needs helps to build a streamline process and a clear brand experience. People have a lot of choice in the marketplace, and you want to dial in your service and communication to attract the right people for a truly bespoke offering.

  1. Poor profitability

The last but most obvious point is poor profitability. Is your diary full? Could you be at 100% capacity by tweaking your brand alignment? In business, there are three ways to increase revenue. 1. Increase the number of customers. 2. Increase the price of your service. 3. Increase the frequency of sales. The best way to increase one of these points is to differentiate. To differentiate, you need to know your customer, find your niche in the marketplace, and make your brand customer centric.

Justin Faulkner

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