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Ewell Chiropractic

Chiropractor in Ewell

Trust your body.
Don’t stop moving.
Empowered health.

Working with Clare Cullen, we ran through The Brand Mind-Body Spirit, which gave us direction to refresh the old brand.

The existing brand had been in action for around 30 years, and as Clare took over the business, it was well due for a fresh branding revival.

The logo forms a custom enso following the brand mantra: Move, Breathe, Love. Starting with the combination of the infinity loop. Representing Mind and Body. Then when your mind and body are in harmony, you can reach higher states of consciousness – love and gratitude, represented by the heart.

The idea was to create a logo with a flow of energy. Something people can interact with and get their bodies flowing once again.

The brand extends this mantra throughout the offering, one stand-out being a large sheet of paper on the practice wall where clients can have a crack at drawing their ‘enso of the day’. This creates engagement with the brand and the meaning behind its direction.

Website • ewellchiro.com


Apply for a brand growth journey

Website and branding by The Shaping Bay (Obviously!)